Michael McCaul Tells Darrell Issa 'Go F–k Yourself' During Congressional Hearing

data-mm-id=”_r8dj7qrdq”>During a congressional hearing on Tuesday, two Republican members got into a spat that punctuated with one of them telling the other, "Go f–k yourself." Yes, that's a thing that actually happened between two government employees during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing. I'm so glad the adults are in charge. Here's video of the incident: GOP Rep. Michael McCaul to GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, on a hot mic: “Ah, go fuck yourself.” pic.twitter.com/VYJ07tzRzV— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) March 19, 2024Yeah that's pretty clear. Issa seemed to be going on and on when it was another member's turn, then rather than shut up he kept talking. McCaul lost his cool and was caught on a hot mic. After the hearing, McCaul apologized for losing his temper:From colleague Aishah Hasnie. McCaul to Issa at Foreign Affairs Cmte: “Yeah go f*ck yourself.” McCaul explanation: “Itwas a long day, and I lost my temper. That is uncharacteristic of me and I apologize to Mr. Issa, who I consider a friend.”— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) March 19, 2024To be fair to McCaul, Issa, who represents the 48th district in California, is really annoying and has that wormy, fake politician smile plastered across his punchable face at all times. I'd lose my temper working with that guy too. McCaul, who is the chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, represents Texas' 10th district and has been in Congress since 2005. To my knowledge, this is the first time he's told someone "Go f–k yourself" on the hallowed grounds of the Capitol.

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